When did you start working for Roland DG?
I joined Roland DG Company in April 2024. After finishing new employee training, I assigned DGSHAPE Company. When I was job hunting, I took part in an internship at a printer company. During that time, an employee asked me, “Do you know Roland DG? It is in Hamamatsu and our competitor.” It was the first time I knew Roland DG. After that, I searched Roland DG. Then, I was impressed by the company’s vison of “Transforming your imagination into reality.” I hoped to work here. Another reason is that I like Hamamatsu. I moved to Hamamatsu City to go to university. During my time here, I felt the warmth of the people and experienced good culture like Hamamatsu Festival.
What roles did you play?
I belong to the Marketing Group, Global Sales and Marketing unit, in HQ. Since I recently graduated from university, I have limited experience. I learn new things from senior colleagues every day.
Why do you like working in DGSHAPE?
I can have many opportunities to take on challenges and receive support from DGSHAPE members. Before joining the company, I had heard that it was a global enterprise, but it has exceeded my expectations. Although my English is still not very good, I am looking forward to working with DGSHAPE members around the world. I also want to gain more knowledge in dental industry and continue growing and developing myself.
Write a funny anecdote about you
When I was newly assigned to my position, I needed to go to the nearby post office to send a contract to a company. I was not used to driving at that time.
I nervously got into the company car, but the engine didn’t start at all. To make matters worse, the car started rolling backward. I panicked and consulted with Kawai (Jovi)-san. He helped me push the car back where it was. It was a memorable experience pushing the car together.
Later, it turned out that the battery was dead, which is why the engine wouldn’t start. I had an unlucky and funny experience. The contract was safely delivered using another car.