When did you start working for Roland DG?
I’m Rie
I joined DGSHAPE in the early summer of 2019. I first applied for a job in Roland DG but at the interview, Kohei san, President of Roland DG (he was Director / President of DP Division at that time) asked me if I had interests in Global Sales of DGSHAPE. This gave Roland DG Group the impression of caring people, full of opportunity and exciting team so I decided to start my career in DGSHAPE.
I thought Roland DG group was caring, full of opportunity, and an exciting team, but it is more than that!
Write a funny anecdote about you
A funny anecdote about me?
I visited Brazil twice on a business trip.
For my first visit, I was very nervous to be away from my home. For the second visit, I got used to it and one time I was sleeping while taking an Uber. I returned to Japan, checked my Uber account, and found it was invoiced more than it should be. Next time I visit other cities, I won’t be sleeping anywhere than in the hotel. : )